
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


  1. Updated Online & Offline Hotspot Layers to utilize map tiles, which drastically reduces the workload on the browser.
  1. Added support for tablets with a screen larger than 1000px.
  1. Account / User Management
  2. Make Search bar address auto-populate Placement Address
  3. PoC Earnings Calculator
Account / User Notes:
  1. The User who originally creates the HeliumVision Account is the Owner.
  2. Only the Owner can add/delete other Users.
  3. Any User can create/delete any object in the Account - Device, Hotspot, Placement, Region.
  4. Deleting a User does not delete the objects they have created.
  5. All quotas and usages are cumulative across all Users for the Account.
  1. Canny Integration
The Canny Integration replaces our Trello Roadmap.
Utilizing Canny allows users to participate using their existing HeliumVision account, rather than needing their own Trello account. Additionally, Canny also allows users to request features - which is a welcomed improvement!